Shenzhen is speeding up its efforts to build a logistics center with global influence
 2023/3/3 10:23:21


忙碌的蛇口港彰显深圳经济活力。The busy Shekou Port shows the economic vitality of Shenzhen.

Read special client · Shenzhen News on March 2, 2023 (Shenzhen Special Zone newspaper chief reporter Dai Xiaorong correspondent Jiang Yanlin Li Yu) high-quality development, traffic first. Transport is an important support and strong guarantee for economic and social development. In 2023, Shenzhen will speed up the construction of a logistics center with global influence, which will build up momentum for Shenzhen to become an economic center city with global influence and a modern international metropolis.

The reporter learned from the 2023 municipal Transportation work conference just held by Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau that this year, Shenzhen transportation industry development will start a "sprint", the container throughput of Shenzhen port will sprint 31 million TEus, the passenger throughput of Shenzhen Airport will sprint 45 million person-times, and the added value of logistics industry will sprint 350 billion yuan. We will focus on fostering and developing new areas of growth for the low-altitude economy. At the same time, Shenzhen traffic insists on people-oriented and speeds up the construction of transportation infrastructure. It vigorously promotes the construction of 12 subway lines such as Shenzhen-Jiang Railway, Shenzhen-Dalian Intercity and No.13 Line, Chunfeng Tunnel, machine-load highway reconstruction and expansion projects, and starts the construction of the East Airport Hub and the first phase of the municipal transformation of Longda Highway. 400 kilometers of non-motorized lanes are newly rebuilt. More than 200,000 new parking Spaces and more than 700 special bus routes have been opened to continuously improve people's sense of happiness and gain.

Both port and shipping, passenger and cargo development, open high quality "acceleration run" by sea, land and air

It is reported that in terms of port this year, firstly, further expand and upgrade the radiation level of Shenzhen Port. Built-up ports in Zhongshan and Jiangmen will be opened, and more than 4 new built-up ports will be built. Inland ports will be established in Hunan, Chongqing, Guizhou and other places, providing convenient and efficient access to the sea for enterprises in inland areas. More than six inland ports will be added. Shenzhen Port will be added to direct routes to major global markets, and 5 cross-border e-commerce shipping express routes will be added. Secondly, vigorously develop ro-ro and container transportation to facilitate the transportation of cars in Shenzhen and surrounding areas through Shenzhen port, thus promoting the leapfrog growth of port automobile export transportation; To promote Xiaomu Port to apply for vehicle import qualification, and build a vehicle import and export port radiating East Guangdong and reaching the world. Third, we will speed up the development of first-class port infrastructure. Completed the first phase of Baoan Comprehensive Port Area; Construction of Shenzhen Port Western Port Area Sea Channel Phase II, Dachao Bay Phase II, Xiaomu International Logistics Port breakwater Project has been started. Accelerate the construction of Yantian Port East Working area, Shenzhen Port pilot base and other projects; We will accelerate the construction of an Asian LNG and fuel oil refueling center for ships, build an LNG refueling fleet, and build the No.2 berth project of Dapeng Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal in Guangdong Province, so as to improve the port's capacity for LNG storage and transfer services.

In the airport also press the "fast forward button", one is to further optimize the route network layout. We will support airlines in increasing the capacity of wide-body aircraft and other aircraft, resume expanding more international routes connecting innovative cities and node cities in emerging markets, expand and expand more than 15 international routes, and promote the establishment of friendship airports with major hub airports around the world. To improve the frequency and quality of flights between Shenzhen and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomerations; To promote effective connection and coordinated development between Shenzhen and cities in the Greater Bay Area, and strengthen strategic cooperation with base airlines. Second, we will vigorously develop international air cargo. We will guide airlines and logistics operators to expand access to major cargo hub routes in the world, and encourage Chinese and foreign airlines to convert cargo from passenger to cargo and to expand cargo flights. We carried out pilot projects for cross-border e-commerce air transport of electric-powered goods, increasing the volume of cross-border e-commerce air freight imports and exports by more than 25%, and the volume of imported fresh cold chain goods by more than 20%. Third, speed up aviation infrastructure construction. Completion of the construction of freight forwarding Warehouse No. 1 in the East and South areas of the Airport and DHL South China Airlines Express Hub; construction of the first phase of the new International Cargo Station in the South Area of the airport and the cargo station in the South of the Airport; and the construction of T1 and T2 terminals, the relocation of Mission Hills navigation Station and Zhangkeng Direct Ascent Airport.

Shenzhen will also speed up the construction of a safe, smooth and efficient logistics network, build a three-level logistics terminal system of "external logistics hub + urban logistics transfer center + community logistics distribution station", comprehensively promote the construction of PingHunan national logistics hub based on trade and service, airport and airport, Yantian port and port, and declare a production-oriented national logistics hub. Encourage leading enterprises in the logistics industry to "go out" to expand and extend the logistics service network, and accelerate the formation of logistics facilities system with Shenzhen characteristics; We will vigorously develop special cross-border e-commerce trains, cold chain trains and customized train services, and coordinate efforts to keep the monthly size of China-Europe train services in Shenzhen at over 30.

Strengthen the base, recruit strong lead to excellent

We will accelerate the cultivation of new drivers for the development of the transport sector

Logistics supply chain is an important part of the modern transportation industry, it is understood that in 2023, Shenzhen will develop and expand the logistics supply chain industry cluster, promote the addition of 3 billion level supply chain service enterprises, 1 listed supply chain service enterprises, identified more than 130 key logistics enterprises, China has vigorously promoted the number of third-party logistics enterprises to 14,000 and the number of fourth-party logistics enterprises to 4,000. At the same time, we will vigorously develop characteristic logistics to meet consumer demand, promote the construction of Li Guang Logistics Park, Pengshen Wisdom tax logistics complex and other projects, and accelerate the comprehensive development and construction of 180,000 square meters of cold storage and high-end warehouse in the second section of Haixing Pier, and high-end cold chain warehouse behind Berth 1-3 of Chi Wan Pier.

In the field of low-altitude economy, Shenzhen will further increase the pace of exploration this year. It is reported that Shenzhen is speeding up the construction of civil unmanned aviation pilot zone, strengthen the low-level economic top-level design, cultivation and growth of low-altitude economic industry; Building an intelligent and integrated low-altitude system, and promoting the construction of five low-altitude "facilities network", "shipping route network", "communications network", "meteorological network" and "service network"; We will vigorously expand low-altitude application scenarios, support leading enterprises such as Meituan, SF Express and Eastern General Aviation to carry out low-altitude flight pilot tests, and promote UAV terminal distribution business. We will support leading enterprises in increasing investment in Shenzhen, and plan to build six new innovation platforms at provincial and municipal levels throughout the year, so as to create a sound environment for coordinated development of three to five leading enterprises and a number of low-altitude economic enterprises.

In addition, Shenzhen will make every effort to promote a number of transportation investment projects, focus on domestic top 20 companies and global top 500 companies in the transportation industry to attract large and excellent enterprises, introduce intelligent network leading enterprises to take deep roots and develop in Shenzhen, attract low-altitude economic leaders to settle in Shenzhen, sign friendly ports with international large ports, and promote the number of friendly ports in Shenzhen to reach more than 27. At the same time, focusing on the high-end frontier, we will do our best to hold a number of exhibition forums, and strive to build the Expo into the top exhibition of the global logistics industry, attracting more than 100 international well-known exhibitors. We will host the Shenzhen International Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Forum, the Pan-Pacific Maritime Asia Conference, the International Port Chain Strategy Forum, the Hot Metal Combined Transport Summit, the Low-Altitude Economic Development Summit, and the Global Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Commercialization Innovation Conference.

Planning forerunner, increase fixed investment

Rapid progress was made in the construction of transport infrastructure in the two zones

It is understood that 2023 Shenzhen traffic construction will fully promote the "three batch" plan. A number of high-quality projects have been completed, and strive to complete the comprehensive transportation transformation of Binhai Avenue (Headquarters Base section), Buban Liaison Road, Kwai Chung Huancheng West Road, Yangang East Interchange, Minzhi Comprehensive Depot, and Phase 2 of Metro Line 8. We will try our best to start a batch of projects, such as the East Airport Hub, Caimei Interchange, Pengba Expressway, and the first phase of Yanba Expressway Municipal Transformation Project. We will vigorously promote the construction of a number of projects, including the Shenzhen-Jiang Railway, Shenzhen-Shantou Railway, Shenzhen-Dalian Intercity, Shenzhen-Hui Intercity, Mawan cross-sea Passage, the north extension of Longlan Avenue, and the Eastern Coastal Tourism Highway.

At the same time, Shenzhen will adhere to the planning first, speed up the construction of a comprehensive three-dimensional transport network, issued the Shenzhen Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transport Network Plan (2022-2035), to promote the integrated development of transport and the city; To accelerate the collaborative integration of regional transport and put forward the goals and strategies for the integrated development of Shenzhen-Hong Kong transport under the background of "two cities and three circles"; To optimize and improve the functional layout of the port, promote the planning adjustment of Xiaomu Port, and provide support for building the Shenzhen-Shantou Cooperation Zone into a world-class automobile city; We will promote the deep integration of transportation and industries, comprehensively improve transportation infrastructure and transport services in the 20 advanced manufacturing parks, and accelerate the realization that the manufacturing parks can travel to high-speed expressways in 15 minutes, reach foreign logistics hubs in 20 minutes, and have rail transit station services.

In addition, 20 roads will be opened, including the fourth Qingshuihe Road and the First Huafu South Road. Comprehensively improve the traffic around 30 schools, including Yantian Foreign Language School and Fuyong Middle School, and 30 hospitals, including the Second People's Hospital and Longgang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine; improve more than 100 congestion nodes, including Liuxian Avenue - No. 9 Road, Guanguang Road - Meiguan Avenue; improve 20 traffic congestion areas, including Huangmugang Hub area and Science Park area; Shenzhen Traffic Safety Design Guidelines for Road Plane Intersections has been compiled, and more than 30 high-risk intersections have been rectified for safety hazards.

Wisdom empowers, green and low carbon

Leading sustainable development of "modern transportation"

In 2023, Shenzhen will adhere to scientific and technological empowerment and speed up the development of high-quality innovation and application of smart transportation. In recent years, the intelligent connected automobile industry has made rapid progress. Last year, Shenzhen issued the country's first intelligent connected automobile regulations, providing the best innovation environment and business environment for the development of the intelligent connected automobile industry. This year, Shenzhen will continue to take the lead in promoting innovative development in the field of intelligent connected vehicles, build a unified government supervision platform for city-level intelligent connected vehicles, support the demonstration operation of bus and taxi autonomous driving, encourage innovative application of autonomous driving in urban sanitation, cargo transportation and terminal distribution, and develop and strengthen the intelligent connected vehicle industry.

At the same time, Shenzhen will build a high-quality integrated intelligent transportation platform and complete the operation of six application platforms, including transportation safety supervision, public transportation resource regulation and industry credit management. To build an intelligent enabling system covering port construction and operation, shipping public data service, smart ship application, etc., and support Mawan Smart Port Zone in building the world's first autonomous driving mixed operation port; We will build a smart airport with the best experience, and comprehensively promote digital applications such as self-service and luggage tracking throughout the passenger process. We will promote research, development and application of new logistics technologies and equipment, and encourage key logistics enterprises to implement intelligent transformation of logistics facilities and equipment and digital upgrading of logistics management.

In addition, adhere to the ecological priority, for high quality to achieve the "double carbon" goal to contribute to the transportation force. We will vigorously develop green and clean ports, promote clean energy to account for more than 50% of vehicles operating in ports, and introduce subsidies for ships with clean energy. We will vigorously develop green logistics, vigorously promote "transit rail" and "transit water", and increase the proportion of water to water transfer to 25%. We will optimize and improve the development policy of new-energy logistics vehicles, increase the number of new-energy logistics vehicles by 8,000, and carry out demonstration of the application of hydrogen-cold chain distribution vehicles. We promoted special projects to improve roads with serious noise pollution, and studied and promoted 12 new processes, materials, and technologies, including multifunctional energy-storing luminescent coatings, to effectively reduce road noise pollution.

Mountains and oceans are connected, and the four networks are integrated

Improve citizens' "happiness" when traveling

In 2023, Shenzhen's transportation will continue to be people-centered, creating a high-quality transportation environment for the masses. The public transport service upgrading action will accelerate the integration of "rail, bus, taxi network and slow travel" in Shenzhen, promote the proportion of rail buses that can reach the built-up area with one transfer to 93%, and open more than 700 characteristic bus routes such as sightseeing buses, learning buses and customized buses. Shenzhen will also study and introduce an integrated plan for Shenzhen-China intercity passenger transport and build a passenger corridor along the east and west banks of the Pearl River. At the same time, the city's unified smart parking information platform has been initially built, and 200,000 new parking Spaces have been promoted in the city. The payment function of suitable parking Spaces has been optimized and improved, and the construction procedure of mechanical three-dimensional parking facilities has been perfected.

Slow travel system is the infrastructure to expand urban green space and promote green travel. This year, the Shenzhen transportation department will fully cooperate with the "Mountain and Sea Connected City" plan, promote the upgrading of the slow driving system, upgrade and expand the non-motorized lanes, optimize the access of rail transit stations, break through the cycling breakpoints, improve barrier-free facilities and street crossing facilities, and roll the assessment and release of the shared bike traffic index.

According to the 2023 Shenzhen Government Work report, there is no trivial matter in people's livelihood. This year, Shenzhen transportation department will make every effort to promote the implementation of "optimizing citizens' travel experience". Specifically include: optimize and adjust more than 85 bus routes; Complete the standard transformation of simple bus stations with more than 100 seats and old ones; 400 kilometers of new non-motorized lanes; Control more than 100 traffic congestion nodes; Open up 20 broken roads such as Qingshuihe Fourth Road and Huafu South First Road; Complete the improvement of no less than 20 traffic congestion areas and increase the city's average speed; An additional 2,500 "parking friendly" roadside parking Spaces will be added, and all parking Spaces in public places will be covered by "one-click reservation", so as to improve residents' happiness in travel.

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